Boldly traveling to new places, doing new things, and finding frogs along the way.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

SEKI Stint 1: 12 July to 21 July 2011 : The Camp

We arrived to Sixty Lakes Basin on the 14th.  At the site there is a giant bear-proof box called a Greenlee, where all the food is kept, and a place where a mosquito-proof screen tent (brought on the helicopter) is set up.  One of the first jobs of the campsite was to find and dig a “boomer”, or hole in the ground for bathroom duty (so named because of its boomerang shape!).  Our boomer ended up with a large rock on one side, so we dubbed it “Snaggletooth Boomer.” 

When the helicopter came on the 15th with the rest of our gear and food we got to set up the screen tent.  In this tent we made a table out of rocks for the stove to sit on, another rock table for the water filter, and a large rock table in the middle.  My partner and I had flown out some camping chairs, and the end result was quite homey.  What a difference having your stuff flown out makes instead of having to hike everything out!  In the afternoons we would all gather in the screen tent for dinner and eat and talk and laugh.

Our Greenlee and screen tent are located between some beautiful lakes in the basin; all around the site you can see snow capped mountains and blue lakes.  Most of the lakes still have snow drifts around their edges, and the end result is quite stunning. 

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